VTM | Vehicle & Transportation Meetings Torino

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Publisher, E-Mobility Engineering

World Economic Forum


Nick Ancell is the Publisher of E-Mobility Engineering, the renowned technical magazine for engineers at the forefront of vehicle electrification. Bringing 20 years of experience working in B2C and B2B media, he focusses on delivering unparalleled and engaging content. In 2018, Nick launched E-Mobility Engineering to serve as the trusted source of technical information for engineers whilst providing an effective commercial platform for solution providers. Since a young age he’s always had a passion for everything and anything on wheels, it was inevitable he would find a way of turning his dreams of working in the automotive industry into a reality. Understanding the worlds need for green and sustainable transport solutions, Nick combines his enthusiasm for a better, cleaner, and safer world with his knowledge and experience of creating innovative and effective media platforms to play his part in sustaining the transport industries for future generations.